条款 & 条件
本使用条款(以下简称“条款”)适用于与木制品委员会(WPC)网站相关的所有使用 www.芝麻小事.org or www.芝麻小事innovationnetwork.org (集体, (“WPC网站”)或任何其他程序, 博客, 应用程序, 或WPC提供的服务. (WPC网站和这些其他程序和服务统称为“WPC程序”).) By using and accessing the Site, you agree to these 条款, the 隐私政策, other 政策, and all applicable laws and regulations.
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所有的内容, 标志, 图形, 页面, 脚本, and service names included in or made available through any Site are subject to trade dress, 商标, 服务商标, and/or 复制right law and other laws that protect 知识产权 in the U.S. 还有其他国家. 未经木制品理事会书面许可,不得使用木制品理事会的知识产权. 出现在任何网站上的所有其他非木制品委员会所有的商标和服务标志均为其各自所有者的财产, 谁可能隶属于谁,谁不隶属于谁, 连接到, 或由木制品协会赞助.
您可以查看和使用内容以获取您的个人信息(以及您的同事的信息),而不得用于其他目的. Wood Products Council does not grant to you or any person any right to reproduce, 复制, 修改, 传输, 显示, 发布, 出售, 许可证, 创作衍生作品, or publicly perform any of the Content on or 传输ted through the Site. If you would like to distribute information on this site created by WoodWorks, 请将您的书面请求寄至 info@芝麻小事.org. 未经WoodWorks书面许可,不得以任何方式分发本网站的任何信息.
本网站包括由第三方开发的演示文稿和其他材料,而不是由WoodWorks或软木木材委员会资助的. The authors of these presentations and materials are responsible for all 内容, and for obtaining permissions related to any 复制righted material or 图片.
If you have any concerns related to 知识产权 on the site, please provide the Wood Products Council 复制right agent the following:
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通过使用本网站, you consent to receive communications from the Wood Products Council electronically. 木制品委员会将进行沟通,链接到第三方运营的其他网站不构成赞助, 背书, 或由木制品委员会批准的内容, 政策, 或此类链接网站的做法. 木材产品理事会不运作, 控制, or maintain linked sites and is not responsible for their availability, 内容, 安全, 政策, 或实践. Links to other sites are provided for your convenience and you access them at your own risk.
木制品委员会“按原样”提供网站(包括所有内容),不作任何形式的保证, 无论是明示的还是暗示的. You are solely responsible for damage that results from the use of the Site including, 但不限于, 损坏您的计算机系统或丢失数据.
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Although WoodWorks makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of materials on this site, 对于网站上出现的材料内容,本网站不提供任何保证或其他保证, 它的准确性, 完整性, 永恒的或适合任何特定目的的.
在法律允许的最大范围内, the Wood Products Council dis索赔 all responsibility for any damages or 损失 (including, 但不限于, 经济损失, 皇冠2登录welcome项目损失赔偿, loss of profits or other consequential 损失) arising in contract, 侵权或以其他方式使用或无法使用本网站或出现在木制品上的任何材料.org, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using 芝麻小事.组织或任何此类材料. 本网站包含到外部网站的链接. WoodWorks is not responsible for and has no 控制 over the 内容 of such sites. 网站上包含的信息,木制品.Org,或通过芝麻小事的超文本链接提供.org, is made available without responsibility on the part of the Wood Products Council. 木制品理事会不承担与木制品相关的信息或可从木制品获取的所有责任和义务(包括疏忽).org.
在适用法律允许的最大范围内, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify Wood Products Council, 或者其他合作伙伴, 和员工免受因您使用本网站而产生或以任何方式与之相关的任何第三方索赔, including any liability or expense arising from all 索赔, 损失, 损害赔偿(实际的和/或间接的), 西装, 判断, 诉讼费用, 还有律师费, 所有种类和性质的.
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These 条款 of Use shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Oregon, without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision. 本节的任何规定均不妨碍木制品理事会就与数据安全有关的事项向法院寻求禁令或其他衡平法上的救济, 知识产权, 或未经授权进入本网站.
完整协议/可分割性. 本使用条款连同 隐私政策, 任何销售条件, and any amendments and any additional 协议 you may enter into with Wood Products Council, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Wood Products Council. If any provision of these 条款 of Use is deemed invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary, and the remaining provisions of these 条款 of Use will remain in full force and effect.
放弃本使用条款的任何条款不得被视为进一步或继续放弃该条款或任何其他条款, 木制品理事会未能主张本使用条款下的任何权利或规定,不构成对该权利或规定的放弃,除非木制品理事会以书面形式签署.